Saturday, October 15, 2011


Well, this commences my foray into blogging, which I have put off for years. Though the thought occured to me to do it, I always shrugged it off as a waste of time. I've finally decided to chronicle my adventures because if nothing else I hope to inspire others to live their lives more openly and experience the love for life that I have found. Admitedly I have a self-serving reason for it. I have set some very difficult goals for myself and I don't really know if I can achieve them, and my hope is that by writing about it and sharing with others I will sort of meditate in a way, honing my determination to follow through and do what it takes. I know writing has a very special power and since finishing school, I have neglected it for too long. It's time to bring it back and this is a new beginning.

There is a very real and suprising fear that comes with the thought of doing what I am trying to do. It's a sort of internal war of self doubt, like these little demons are inside my head telling me I can't do it, or even if I can, it's too costly in every way and it isn't worth it. It's a self-defeating and disappointing feeling to accept that thought, and that's the kind of thinking which, if I had listened, I never would have done any of the things that have meant the most to me so far in my life. So I am not going to listen and I am going to do everything I can, including writing this blog, to defeat those internal "I can't" demons... I am going to POUND THEM INTO THE GROUND.

I regret not doing this sooner. There are so many things I have already learned on this journey that are worth sharing, but I will backtrack for bits and pieces along the way, since everything worth learning is always used again.

Let it be known that henceforth I am committed to these goals:

1) Qualify for and compete in the Boston marathon
2) Qualify for and compete in Kona IronMan World Championship
3) Complete the Western States Endurance Trail Run: 100 miles, 24 hours

And if I can do that, well then I have some even better ideas.


  1. GO WRITING RIDER! (rite runner?)
    Captain Lindsey would be proud:

  2. "It takes a little courage, and a little self-control. And some grim determination, If you want to reach the goal. It takes a great deal of striving, and a firm and stern-set chin. No matter what the battle, if you really want to win, there's no easy path to glory. There is no road to fame. Life, however we may view it, Is no simple parlor game; But its prizes call for fighting, For endurance and for grit; For a rugged disposition that will not quit."
    Navy SEAL Masterchief
